Your language not listed here?
You can help and translate the "English basic edition"
of the Apple snail website to your own language!
In return you can use the translation on you own website (if you have one),
including photographs and pictures. Read more below...
If you can agree with the legal stuff below, please contact me at
for more details or to discuss other possibilities.
Keep in mind that the Apple snail website is a non-commercial project with as
major goal to provide free information about the apple snail.
Please respect the work of all people who worked on this website.
Read the the legal stuff below carefully and make sure
you AGREE with this in order to avoid disputes. |
- You translate the "English basic
edition" of the Apple snail website to your language.
[click here for the English basic edition]
or mail the
- The texts of all other pages of the Apple snail website and
their translations are not allowed to be used on other websites
or publications without the prior permission of their author.
- The illustrations and photographs can be used on non-commercial
base only if:
a. you mention the source (this website:
b. give the credits to their owner.
c. Use of the illustration and photographs for commercial
purpose is not allowed.
- Your name will be mentioned at the bottom of the translation
and a link to your homepage will be made if the content of your site
it considered suitable for a broad audience (no porn, racism etc).
Your name will never be removed without your permission.
- You are allowed use the translated text on your own
website if:
a. You mention this site and give the credits of the text
and illustrations to their respective owner (Stijn Ghesquiere
in this case).
b. You do not charge money for it (non-commercial use).
c. You are allowed to add text, change things whatever you like
in your translated version.
- You are allowed to alter the lay-out of the translated
page and use the photographs.
- The translated text can be used on the apple snail website
and in any related project without restrictions. The credits
of translation will be given to the translator (you) at all times.