Golden Apple Snails in Cambodia | ![]() |
Chanthy Pol
Cambodian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CADRI)
Plant Protection Program, Phom, Penh, Cambodia
Golden apple snails (Pomacea sp.) were discovered CIAP
in Svay Rieng in August 1995. A rice farmer was raising them in a clay jar.
He was unaware that these snails are rice pests. Mr. Theav Chhay, the Chief
of the DOA Toul Koktrap Research Station held a meeting to explain to the farmers
that the snails are pests and should be not bred. The farmer destroyed the snails
and eggs after the meeting. The farmer purchased the snails in Phnom Penh. CIAP
and the Plant Protection and Phytosanitary Inspection Office searched the Phnom
Penh area and found several places where people were breeding large numbers
of the snails. In additional to Phnom Penh, the snails are being raised in at
least 9 provinces: Kampong chhnang, Kampong Cham, Kampong Speu, Kandal, Prey
Veng, Pursat, Siem Reap, Svay Rieng, and Takeo.
CIAP experiments indicated that the newly discovered snails ate rice seedlings
but not tillering rice. A typical snail consumed 7 rice seedlings per day in
laboratory experiments.
In October 1995, Dr. Robert Cowie, a snail taxonomist at the Bishop Museum in
Hawaii, was brought to Cambodia to identify the newly introduced snails. He
concluded that Cambodia has two species of golden apple snail: Pomacea canaliculata
and Pomacea insularum. Based on the rate of spread of golden apple snails
in other countries, and taking into account the poorly developed Cambodian irrigation
system, Dr. Cowie estimated that the snail would becomes a rice pest within
2 years, and would be a major rice pest, perhaps the major Cambodian rice pest,
in 5 years.
In Nov. 1995, farmers in Takeo were found intentionally placing golden apple
snails in their rice fields to rise as food; just as they would normally place
the native Farmers were not aware that the golden apple snail is a rice pest.
Golden apple snails spread through Cambodia because people thought that they
would make money by culturing these snails and selling them as food. This same
pattern has been observed throughout Asia, beginning with Taiwan in 1979 when
the snail was introduced from South America, probably Argentina. Since then
the snail was deliberately introduced to Japan in 1981, the Philippines in 1982,
China in 1985, Korea and Malaysia in 1987, and to Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam,
and Laos in1989. In each of these countries the snails escaped from breeding
sites, and became widely established in rice fields.
Golden apple snails produce bright pink or red egg masses around grass, sticks, rice, or anything extended above water in paddies. If the eggs are broken a blood-red liquid is released. Snails begin life quite small, with shells less than 1 cm long, but eventually their shells grow to 6 or 7 cm in length. The shells range in color from amber to dark brown. The native Cambodian apple snails have black or dark green shells. However, a layer of algae often covers the shells of older golden apple snails, making them appear green. The algae are easily brushed off to reveal the golden color of the shell.
The differences between the golden apple snail and the native apple snail are presented in Table 4.3.
Table 4.3. Differences between the exotic and native apple snails
Characters | Golden apple snail (Pomacea sp.) | Native apple snail (Pila sp.) |
Shell color | Yellow, amber, or brownish-black | Black (sometimes with amber) |
Body color | Yellow | Black |
Operculum | Flexible | Brittle |
Eggs | Pink or Red; laid on sticks, Vegetation, or rocks |
White; laid beneath the soil under water, or beneath Floating vegetation |
Diet | Rice seedlings, vegetables | Algae |
For golden apple snail management guidelines see Section 6, Technology Recommendations.
6.3.1 Golden Apple Snail Management Guidelines
The golden apple snails in Cambodia are potential rice pests and should be
eliminated where possible. Given the history of golden apple snails in neighboring
countries, it is only a matter of time before this snail becomes a serious pest
in Cambodia. A description of the golden apple snail, and how to distinguish
it from the native apple snail is give in Section 4.3.1
Snail Management in Rice (Navarro 1993)
1. Transplant older seedlings, or increase-seeding rate in direct seeded rice.
2. Install screens on water inlets.
3. Remove snails from rice paddies anytime before final harrowing.
4. Collect and crush egg masses.
5. Place bamboo stakes around the field to give the snails a place to lay egg
where they are easily collected and destroyed.
6. Hand-pick snails in the morning and afternoon when they are active. Collected
snails can be eaten by ducks and pigs. If completely cooked, the snails can
be eaten by humans.
7. Herd ducks through the rice paddies immediately after harvest and 30 to 35
days after transplanting early maturing rice, or 40 to 50 days after transplanting
late maturing rice.
Chemical Control of the Golden Apple Snail
Presently, chemical control of the golden apple snail cannot be recommended in Cambodia. There are no molluscicides available in Cambodia. Of the pesticides available in Cambodia, CIAP research indicates that the insecticide Endosulfan (Thiodan) effectively eradicates snails, even heavy infestations. Endosulfan, however, is not recommended for snail control because it has long residual activity; kills fish, frogs, and other desirable organisms; and accumulates in the food chain.
Bayluscide (Chronitralid) is used to control golden apple snails in the Philippines. It does not accumulate in the food chain. However, it is toxic at .5 ppm to fish, and other aquatic organisms. Bayluscide is not available in Cambodia.
The Golden Apple Snail (Pomacea) was reported for the first time in Cambodia in August 1995 (CIAP' 1995 Annual Research Report'). A persistent, though unconfirmed, story is that golden apple snails were brought to Cambodia by refugees returning from Thailand. The snails are now being raised in Phnom Penh and at least nine other provinces. The only reports of golden apple snails in rice fields come from Pursat (confirmed by CIAP) and Takeo (unconfirmed).
To study the pest potential and possible control of the golden apple snail we conducted a series of experiments described below.
5.5.1 Experiment 1: Pest Potential of the Golden Apple
When the golden apple snail was first discovered in Cambodia there was some
question of its identity. Although the snail produced the distinctive pink and
red eggs by which Pomacea are known, the snails themselves differed from
the Pomacea of the Philippines in several respects. The Cambodia snails
generally lacked stripes on their shells, though the growth rings sometimes
discoloured giving a stripped appearance. In contrast, the Pomacea of
the Philippines have stripes perpendicular to the growth rings of the shell.
The Cambodia snails tend to be much larger and lighter in colour than those
in the Philippines. To make certain that the Pomacea found in Cambodea
was indeed a potential rice pest we conducted a simple unreplicated experiment
described below. We considered that snails, which ordinarily do not eat rice,
might do so if the only other option was starvation. To test whether apple snails
readily switch diets, we compared the golden apple snail to the native apple
snail (Pila sp). The native apple snail inhabits rice field and is not considered
a pest.
Materials & methods
Three cement basins of 2.2×2.8m at the CIAP glass house in Phnom Penh
were used as experimental plots. Each basin had its own net-cover to prevent
snails from escaping. Each net-cover had a zipper used as an entrance for constructing
the experiment and collecting data. Fifteen days old seedlings of IR66 were
transplanted at single seedling per hill. Spacing between hills was 20×20cm.
Five days after transplanting 1kg of golden apple snails (Pomacea sp.)
were placed in one basin did not receive any snails.
The native snails used in this experiment was collected from rice fields around Phnom Penh.Golden apple snails were collected from the ponds where people were raising them for food. Both species were starved for 2 days before being placed in the experimental plots. The total number of plants consumed by snails daily was recorded.
Within 7 days the golden apple snails consumed 100% of the rice plants in their
basin (Table 5.18). No crop loss occurred in basin with native snails and the
basin without snails. During the first two days of the experiment, native snails
fed on algae. When the algae was consumed, native snails began to die, presumably
of starvation. By the end of this experiment, only two native snails remained
alive. Only the snail-free basin had algae covering the water surface. Apparently
the snails consumed the algae in the other two basins.
The golden apple snail clearly has the potential to become a serious rice pest.
The native apple snail does not eat rice at all, even when no other food is
available. Snails apparently reduce algae blooms in rice fields. The farmer'
s practice of placing native apple snails in the paddy is therefore an effective
form of augmentative biological control of algae. Since most farmers place the
native apple snails in the field to harvest as food later, the application of
biological control may often be unintentional.
Table 5.18 Plant loss due to golden apple snail feeding. Jan 3-9, 1996. CIAP
Glass-house, Phnom Penh.
Day No. |
Total No. of Seedlings Consumed |
% of Total Plant Loss |
% of Plant Loss Per Day. |
# 1 |
20 |
16.7 |
16.7 |
# 2 |
35 |
29.2 |
12.5 |
# 3 |
69 |
57.5 |
28.3 |
# 4 |
80 |
66.7 |
9.2 |
# 5 |
99 |
82.5 |
15.8 |
# 6 |
116 |
96.7 |
14.2 |
# 7 |
120 |
100 |
3.3 |
5.5.2 Experiment 2: Damage Potential of the Golden Apple Snail
To determine the damage potential of the golden apple snail, we divided snails
into three groups according to size, reasoning that larger snails would eat
more rice. The damage potential was in fact size dependent, but to our surprise
it was the medium sized snails that consumed the most rice. This is perhaps
because the largest snails stop growing and therefore require less food. The
feeding rates of the small, medium, and large snails are 1.8, 8.4, and, 4.7
tillers per day respectively. These feeding rates are quite high compared to
other major pests. For example, a stem borer will destroy a single rice tiller
over an entire season; and a rice bug will destroy 5-10 grains of rice per day.
If the feeding rates calculated in this study are correct, then in a newly transplanted
rice field with 70-100 tillers/m2, an infestation of medium sized golden apple
snails at a density of only one snail per square meter could destroy an entire
field in 8 to12 days.
Materials and Methods
Golden apple snails, collected from ponds in Phnom Penh, were divided into
3 weight groups: 10-12g, 23-32g, and 55-63g. Ten plastic tubs (52cm top diameter,
36 cm bottom diameter, 19.5cm deep) comprised the experimental units in this
study conducted at Stung Meanchey Crop Protection Station. Each tub had its
own net-cover to prevent the golden apple snails from escaping. Twenty-five
day old seedlings of IR66 were transplanted at 10 hills per tub, 4 seedlings
per hill. One day after transplanting, 1 golden apple snail was placed in each
of 9 tubs; 3 snails from each size group. One tub did not receive any snails.
Snails were starved for 2 days before the 7 day experiment. The total number
of rice plant consumed by golden apple snails was recorded daily.
Data Analysis. To compact the data over individuals and display it across time,
the average percentage of tillers consumed each day was calculated for each
of the weight groups and plotted on a graph. To compact the data over time,
the average feeding rate was calculated for each snail for the first 4 days
of feeding. Only the first 4 days were used because one snail consumed all 40
tillers by the fifth day. These average feeding rates were then averaged for
each weight group and analyzed by ANOVA, DMRT, and LSD with IRRI-STAT software
to test for significant differences in mean feeding rates. Weight group sum
of squares was partitioned into linear and quadratic components. The individual
weights and feeding rates of each snail were plotted on a scatter graph and
analyzed by regression analysis with Excel software.
Medium sized snails consumed the most rice per day and small snails consumed
the least rice per day (Figure 5.9). The large golden apple snails destroyed
an average of 29 tillers within 7 days, consuming a minimum of 2 tillers per
day with an average consumption rate of 4.7 tillers per day for the first 4
days. Medium snails completely consumed all 40 tillers within 6 days, consuming
at least 3 tillers per day, with an average consumption rate of 8.4 tillers
per day for the first 4 days. Small snails consumed and average of 20 tillers
within 7days, consuming at least 1 tiller per day, with an average consumption
rate of 1.8 tillers per day for the first four days. The most tillers consumed
by a single snail on a single day were 16 tillers by a 30.3g snail. No crop
loss occurred in the tub without snails, which served as a check.
The feeding rates of medium and small snails were significantly different at
the5% level, but the feeding rates of large snails were not significantly different
from medium or small snails. Trend analysis finds a quadratic description of
the relationship between average weighty and average feeding rate significant
at the 1% level. This is entirely consistent with the regression analysis, which
indicates that the feeding rate of snails increases as snail weight increases,
until snails reach about 40g; then, feeding rate decreases with size (Figure
5.5.3 Experiment 3: Effect of the Dragon Bone Plant
on Golden Apple Snail
An experiment indicated that dragon bone plant can be used to reduce crab damage to rice (Section 5.6). We therefore decided to test whether the plant could also be used for snail control.
Materials &Methods
Three cement basins measuring 2.8×2.2m and 70cm deep served as the experimental plots. Each cement basin had it's own net-cover which prevented the snails from escaping. Each net-cover had a zipper door used as an entrance for transplanting, photography and data recording. One kg of snails were introduced to each of these basins on 5 June 1996 and fed rice seedlings until 14 July 1996. On 16 July we drained all 3 basins, placing a bag constructed from mosquito netting over the drain to prevent snails from escaping. Then, seedlings (24 days old) of Cambodian Rice 1 (CAR 1) were transplanted at a single seedling per hill, for a total of 168 rice seedlings in each basin. Spacing between hills was 20×20cm. We put 10cm of water in each basin after transplanting and immediately placed 1kg of chopped dragon bone plant into each of 2 basins.
The golden apple snails were collected from pond culture at Po Cheantong in Dang Kor District. Dragon bone plants were collected near the Kap Srau station, Phnom Penh. The total number of plants consumed by snails was recorded daily by visual count, then adjusted to percentage of crop loss.
Results & Discussion
Snails consumed all the rice in the untreated pond within 2 days. In the treated ponds snails did not eat for the first 2 says after dragon bone treatment was applied. Instead, they pulled tightly into their shells and floated on the surface. By the third day snails in treated basins began eating the seedlings. these snails consumed all the rice by the fourth and fifth day (Figure 5.11).
The dragon bone plant apparently contains toxins which the snails attempt
to avoid by hiding in their shells. Snails exhibit the same behaviour when Endosulfan
or copper is applied to the water. In this experiment the snails could not leave
the basin. Under field conditions it is possible that snails would leave the
area. When the snails re-emerged from their shells and began feeding, the toxin
had probably degraded to tolerable levels.
Although the tested concentration of dragon bone plant did not kill snails,
it still has potential as an aid to snail management. When the snails retract
into their shells and float on the surface in response to dragon bone, the snails
are especially vulnerable to collecting by net.
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