Book: Alderson, E. G. 1925. Studies in Ampullaria W. Heffer & Sons, Cambridge,
England. Complete text of the book (Pdf document,
600kb, 124 pages, not proof-readed). Illustrations will follow soon.
Plate: George Perry's Conchology, or the Natural History of Shells, 1811. Pomacea
maculata illustration.
Article: Annandale, N. 1920. The apple-snails of Siam. J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam,
4(1): 1-24, pl.1-2. Will folow soon...
Painting: "Flower
paintings", Ambrosius Bosschaert (1573-1621).
Note: a Pila sp. shell is situated at the right corner.
'Snail tale' indonesian
tale about an apple snail.