Interactive 3D-anatomy
Overview 3D anatomy Digestion Senses Nerves Respiration Circulation Reproduction Other Shell |
While the basic anatomy of an apple snail is rather straightforward, it can
be difficult to get a good understanding of the position of the organs in the
coiled snail body. Therefore an interactive 3D-model of the anatomy of a female
Pomacea canaliculata
has been created.
In the next page one can turn and twist the snail body around with the mouse
and add and remove organs to visualize the position and shape of the various
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Warning: 1. The following page is about 500kb in size (model+applet+text and interface). Takes a while to load (depending on connection speed) 2. You need reasonably modern computer system to enjoy a smooth performance (PentiumII, Athlon or faster model). 3. You're browser need a Java plugin (most browsers have this as default). |
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