Digestive system |
Overview 3D anatomy Digestion Senses Nerves Respiration Circulation Reproduction Other Shell |
The digestive system of apple snails is adapted to feed
on aquatic plants.
Roughly it can be in five regions: the intake region (mouth and buccal cavity
with radula and jaws), the pre-digestion region (oesophagus with salivary glands,
lateral pouchs and crop), digestion region (three chambered stomach with the
associated digestive gland), uptake region (intestine) and the excretion region
(rectum and anus).
Interactive 3d-model | Scheme of the digestive tract |
![]() Interactive 3D-model of the digestive tract of a Pomacea canaliculata snail. Click on picture to interact Note: can take some time to load. |
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The mouth of the apple snail is a vertical slit
opening, located between the labial tentacles and leading to the buccal cavity.
Food is located with the labial tentacles
and when needed gathered from the water surface
with foot.
![]() The radula of an eating snail in detail (Pomacea canaliculata). (click on image to enlarge) |
The buccal cavity, a muscular cavity with
a set of calcareous jaws, 2 radula knobs and the radula (rasp tongue), is situated
behind the mouth opening.
The radula lies on top of the radula knobs (odontophores) and is covered with
several rows (26 to 53), each consisting of 7 renewable chitinous teeth. When
the radula knobs are moved from each other, the radula is bend and stretched,
this spreading the teeth on it, which provides the grasp function.
After the food has pulled into the buccal cavity, the strong, calcareous jaws cut off the piece near the mouth opening.
More details about the mouth movements here.
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Movies (MPEG1): - Mouth in eating apple snail (Asolene megastoma) (202kb) |
Due to the myglobin rich muscles, the buccal mass (the complete organ with the cavity within) has a reddish colour. Myoglobin is a respiratory pigment that helps to provide sufficient oxigen for the muscle metabolism during activity. The buccal mass itself lies in the anterior part of the cephalic hemocoel (a large vascular sinus or cavity).
![]() Rows of the teeth (7) on the radula (Pomacea canaliculata). |
![]() Microscopic picture of the radula from Felipponea neritiformis. |
At the back of the buccal cavity there are two lateral pouches and the
ducts of the salivary glands are located here as well. The bright orange
salivary glands lie against the expanded first part of the oesophagus (the crop)
and produce an acid mucopolysaccharide.
The walls of the crop and the oesophagus
are covered with longitudinal folds and contain cells that excrete a neutral
mucopolysaccharide and proteins in addition. The oesophagus connects the buccal
cavity with the stomach after making a turn of 180° (following the coiled body
of the snail). The food is transported through the oesophagus with peristaltic
The stomach of the apple snail is a pink; "U"
shaped structure on the left side of the body whorl. The wall of the stomach
consists of several muscular layers, often covered with calcareous deposits
of the overlaying tissues or by the digestive gland.
The stomach itself consists of three compartments: the muscular gizzard
(posterior chamber), the vestibule (anterior chamber) and the style
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The food is mixed with digestive enzymes and slime with the muscular movements
in the gizzard and which connects with vestibule.
The gizzard and the vestibule are separated by a thick ridge that reaches to
the roof of the stomach, closing the gizzard off. When the muscles of the gizzard
contract, the gizzard and the vestibule communicate. The surface of the gizzard
had many parallel folds (ridges) and the walls consist of several muscular layers.
The ducts of the digestive gland or midgut
gland, which produces digestive enzymes, opens in the ciliated vestibule.
The midgut gland lies on top of the stomach and in line with the testis/ovaria
in the upper whorls of the shell. The function of the
midgut gland might be comparable with the human liver (biochemical conversions
of nutrients and waste) combined with the pancreas (production of digestive
enzymes), and is also called the hepatopancreas. One can recognize the
midgut gland easily due to it's dark brown colour.
Inside the digestive or midgut gland of snails from
the genera Pomacea, Marisa
and Asolene and most likely in all
ampullarids, a large quantity of a
greenish-black substance is present. When studied under a microscope, two types
of pigmented elements can be observed: cellular round corpuscles (C corpuscles)
with a brownish/greenish colour and dark brown 'club' shaped elements (K
or kystic corpuscles). The C corpuscles measure about 11 - 13 µm
in diameter and the K corpuscles are about 35µ in lenth and 13µm
in width. Both corpuscles are also present in the intestines and the feces.
They even show up in debris of the snail's habitat.
Both corpuscles types are not only found in the ducts and the digestive tract,
they also reside inside the glandular
cells. The C elements reside in columnar cells, which are considered to
be digestive cells and the K elements are associated with the supposedly excretory
pyramidal cells. In total these corpuscles make up a considerable amount of
the glandular mass (around 11-13% of the total gland mass).
The corpuscles are excreted from the gland cells in the gland ducts and are
transported to the stomach, where they mix with the food. The corpuscles are
present in the feces as well, where they are intermingled with the food remnants.
Besides leaving the snail's body with the normal feces, the corpuscles are also
excreted in dense droppings, consisting of nearly 100% corpuscles (see this
picture of
a Pomacea insularum dropping and a similar one from a
Pomacea canaliculata dropping). These droppings contain mainly the
C corpuscles and much less K corpuscles, while the normal feces mainly contain
Recent research [VEGA
2001 and CASTRO-VAZQUEZ, 2002] revealed that the C and K corpuscles
might be a symbiotic (prokaryotic) organism, with the K corpuscles being the
kystic form of the vegetative C elements. The fact that these elements contain
DNA and have a double external membrane, but the lack of a nucleus supports
the view of a prokaryotic origin of these corpuscles.
The putative symbiont appears to be well integrated in the snail as even sterile
raised hatchlings contain these corpuscles, excluding an external alimentairy
origin. Also the observed intracellular presence and development suggest a close
relationship. The C corpuscles are for example derived from spheric bodies (vacuoles)
that develop and divide inside the digestive columnar cells. These unsheated
vacuoles are excreted into the alveoli and develop into mature C-corpuscles.
During their travel through the intestines the C-corpuscles become sheated and
transform into K-corpuscles.
A symbiont living inside these snails implies that the snail and the symbiont
(the prokaryote) have established a mutual beneficial relationship somewhere
in the course of evolution. For the putative symbiont, the benefits are clear:
a protective and food enriched environment. For the snail the positive effects
aren't that clear yet. For example, the snail looses valuable nutritional proteins
as these are partly used by the symbiont, which becomes excreted with the feces.
Possibly a biochemical advantage is given to the snail in this relationship.
Further research will certainly reveal more of this interesting symbiotic relationship.
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Microscopic images: - The digestive gland (Pomacea canaliculata) (66k) - detail of the digestive gland, heamatoxilin-eosin staining (Pomacea canaliculata) (28k) - detail of the digestive gland, toluidin staining (Pomacea canaliculata) (29k) - C and K-corpuscles in detail (Pomacea canaliculata) (29k) - Fecal dropping of Pomacea canaliculata (12k) - Fecal dropping of Pomacea insularum with some large K-corpuscles (11k) |
The glandular pouch of the vestibule contains many mucoprotein-excreting
cells in its epithelium.
In the vestibule, in front of the style sac is a sorting area at which the large
food parts are filtered out.
The entrance of the style sac is marked with a strong muscular sphincter, connected
with the minor and the major typhlosole and between them a deep, longitudinal
intestinal groove. On the typhlosoles is a strong ciliary current towards
the intestine, while the walls of the style sac have a transverse rotating ciliary
current (giving a spiral movement to the food).
![]() MRI image of a male apple snail (Pomacea diffusa). |
The intestine of the apple snail is lies close
to the style sac and coils around the posterior kidney
and can be divided in several parts: the caecum, the first, second and third
part of the intestine and the anal papilla.
The digestion of the food is partly done by adding enzymes by the snail itself
and partly by the micro-organisms in the intestine. The uptake of the food compounds
is carried out trough the walls of the intestine and transported to the blood
stream. The posterior aorta provides the blood supply of the intestine.
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Between the style sac of the stomach and the caecum lies a muscular sphincter,
which controls the food flow from the stomach to the intestine.
The ciliated major typhlosole, which starts in vestibule of the stomach with
the intestinal groove parallel to it, continues throughout the caecum and the
first part of the intestine. The walls of the first part of the intestine are
covered with ciliated folds that transport the food. The intestinal groove in
this part of the intestine doesn't have those fold or ciliation. At the end
of the first part, the intestinal groove expands to a pouch and the typhlosole
bends to the pouch, while its tip points to the shallow groove of the second
part of the intestine.
The shallow, unciliated groove in the second part of the intestine is partly
covered with ciliated folds. The epithelium lining the groove contains glands
that produce an acid mucopolysaccharide, this in contrast with the neutral mucopolysaccharide
produced elsewhere on the walls.
At the junction with the third part of the intestine (rectum)
the groove is deflected in a small diverticle. The typhlosole (ridge) lining
the groove becomes greatly enlarged and the groove becomes narrow and is located
on top of the ridge. The walls of the third region of the intestine have unciliated
transverse folds. Close to the anal opening intestine receives the duct of the
anal gland, which arises at the base of the anal papilla.
The anal papilla is situated at the roof of the right
mantle skirt.
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Microscopic images: - section of the distal intestine (Pomacea canaliculata) (32k) - detail of the wall in the distal intestine (Pomacea canaliculata) (34k) |
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The mouth movements:
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