


Overview Afropomus Asolene Felipponea Lanistes Marisa Pila Pomacea Saulea

The african genus Lanistes (Montfort, 1810) contains 21 species.
The type species is Lansites carinatus (Olivier, 1804).
A distinguishable feature of the Lanistes genus is the sinistral shell (the shell is turned to the left), while the body is dextral. This paradox is called hyperstrophic sinistral.

  • Lanistes bernardianus (Morelet, 1860)
  • Lanistes carinatus (Olivier, 1804)
  • Lanistes ciliatus (v. Martens, 1878)
  • Lanistes congicus (O. Boettger, 1891)
  • Lanistes ellipticus (v. Martens, 1866)
  • Lanistes farleri (Craven, 1880)
  • Lanistes graueri (Thiele, 1911)
  • Lanistes intortus (v. Martens, 1877)
  • Lanistes lybicus (Morelet, 1848)
  • Lanistes nasutus (Mandahl-Barth, 1972)
  • Lanistes neavei (Melvill & Standen, 1907)
  • Lanistes neritoides (Brown & Berthold, 1990)
  • Lanistes nsendweensis (Dupuis & Putzeys, 1901)
  • Lanistes nyassanus (Dohrn, 1865)
  • Lanistes ovum (Peters, 1845)
  • Lanistes pseudoceratodes (Wenz, 1928)
  • Lanistes purpureus (Jonas, 1839)
  • Lanistes solidus (Smith, 1877)
  • Lanistes stuhlmanni (v. Martens, 1897)
  • Lanistes varicus (Müller, 1774)

Lanistes ovum
Lansites ovum.


Lanistes lybicus (Morelet, 1848)
Lanistes lybicus.


Characteristics of the genus Lanistes:

Lanistes Shell: surface: smooth
shape: egg-shaped, globose
direction: left (hyperstrophic sinistral)
whorls: round base with flat upper part
shell-opening (aperture): round base, pointed top
umbilicus: narrow to wide
colour: yellow to brown with faint spiral bands
Operculum: corneous
Body: head (cephalic) tentacles: long
labial tentacles: long
breathing siphon: short
colour: grey with darker spots
Eggs: aquatic



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