Embryology: Stage III Back

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Embryo stage 3
Embryo in Stage 3.



Interactive 3D-models (Java):
- Model of embryo in stage 3

The embryo has grown to about 190µm in Marisa cornuarietis, while the Pila globosa embryo hasn't notably increased in length. The embryos of both species are now more elongated than in the previous stage.
Externally, the embryo is still bilateraly symmetrical, but internally the arangement of organs and structures have become assymetrical.
At the front side of the embryo, the foot has become more prominent, jus like the visceral sac at the posterior side. The shell gland and plate, also defined as the rudimental shell has increased in size and forms a cup-shaped invagination on the posterior side, below the border of the velum.
In stahe II, the stomodaeum at the anterior (front) side of the embryo already started to become conspicuous as a invagination. This invagination progresses in this stage (III) and ultimately makes contact with the archenteron or primitive stomach. With this event, the intestinal system opens at the front side of th embryo, thus enabling it to take up yolk from the egg through the intestines.
Also at the front side of the embryo, the head plates become differentiate further, making the better visible than in the previous stage.
Back to the posterior side of the embryo, the development of the excretion system becomes visible as the rudimental ureter and renal vestibule invaginate. In stage II these organs were only a small, hard to spot, cell plate.
Internally the mesoderm plate differntiates to form the pericard (heart-sac) and the kindey. The latter will make contact with the rudimental ureter in a later stage. The left aggregate of mesoderm cells, developed in stage II, disappear during this stage.
The primitive stomach, now communicating with the stomodaeum develops cilated cells a the surface of the roof.
As mention before the embryo has become internally asymetric during this stage, due to the diminishing of the left mesoderm plate, while the right one developed into thje pericard and kidney.



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